Mysql Load Data Infile 0 Rows Affected
Mysql Load Data Infile 0 Rows Affected. Load data infile 'music_all_2.csv' ignore into table genres columns terminated by ',' escaped by '\\' lines terminated by '\r'. Query ok, 0 rows affected.
Hi, look at the result message: May affect strings or other types but untested), load data infile fails to. 1 row in set (0.00 sec) mysql> load data local infile 'textdata/data.txt' into table t1 fields terminated by ',' (a,b);
May Affect Strings Or Other Types But Untested), Load Data Infile Fails To.
Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. The used command is not allowed with this. Hi, look at the result message:
Query Ok, 0 Rows Affected, 33 Warnings (0.00 Sec) Records:
I am trying to insert data from a csv file into mysql. Load data infile returns 0 rows affected, mysql 8 it has been here already, but i did not find the answer. I am using the load data local infile and it seems to be stopping at ~69k rows.
Query Ok, 0 Rows Affected (0.09 Sec) Make You Grant File (Or, All).
Query ok, 3500 rows affected (1.69 sec) records: Load data infile 'music_all_2.csv' ignore into table genres columns terminated by ',' escaped by '\\' lines terminated by '\r'. When a table's column(s) are defined to be not null and have a nonzero default value (int columns;
Query Ok, 68844 Rows Affected, 65535.
Query ok, 0 rows affected. 0 i've visually checked the two files and there is *nothing* different between row. 33 by running show warnings;
The Load Data Statement Reads Rows From A Text File Into A Table At A Very High Speed.
Mysql> set global local_infile = 'on'; The query to load the data: Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
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